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1947 was a major turning point in Chinese Canadian history. During World War II, China was Canada's ally and many Chinese Canadians contributed to the war effort. Five hundred Canadian-born Chinese volunteered to fight in the Pacific War and the Chinese Community in Victoria bought 20% of all Canadian Victory Bonds, nearly $10 million worth.

The change from an inhospitable to a more accepting attitude towards Chinese Canadians in such a short time was overwhelming. In 1947, the Parliament of Canada had repealed the Chinese Immigration Act, ending a 24-year ban on Chinese immigration to Canada.  Chinese immigrants in British Columbia were finally allowed to vote in 1947.


在如此短的時間內,對加拿大華裔的態度從冷漠到令人接受,這種變化是令人難以置信的。 1947年,加拿大議會廢除了《華人移民法》,結束了24年禁止華人移民加拿大的禁令.1947年,不列顛哥倫比亞省的華人最終被允許投票。

The Canadian government did not lift all restrictions on Chinese immigration, however, as only the spouses and minor unmarried children of Chinese Canadians were allowed to immigrate. At the same time, there was relatively free immigration to Europe and the United States. It was not until 1967, when Canada adopted a universal point system of assessing potential immigrants, that Chinese immigrants were admitted under the same criteria as people of other origins.





"In 1947, the Parliament of Canada had repealed the Chinese Immigration Act, ending a 24-year ban on Chinese immigration to Canada."

Repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act


1947 was a major turning point in Chinese Canadian history. During World War II, China was Canada's ally and many Chinese Canadians contributed to the war effort. Five hundred Canadian-born Chinese volunteered to fight in the Pacific War and the Chinese Community in Victoria bought 20% of all Canadian Victory Bonds, nearly $10 million worth.

The change from an inhospitable to a more accepting attitude towards Chinese Canadians in such a short time was overwhelming. In 1947, the Parliament of Canada had repealed the Chinese Immigration Act, ending a 24-year ban on Chinese immigration to Canada.  Chinese immigrants in British Columbia were finally allowed to vote in 1947.

The Canadian government did not lift all restrictions on Chinese immigration, however, as only the spouses and minor unmarried children of Chinese Canadians were allowed to immigrate. At the same time, there was relatively free immigration to Europe and the United States. It was not until 1967, when Canada adopted a universal point system of assessing potential immigrants, that Chinese immigrants were admitted under the same criteria as people of other origins.

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