The Museum Proper
Replica or Original:
Not a Replica
On Display, In Storage, or in a Private Offsite Collection:
On Display
Primary Material:
Carved Vase
9.5" x 4"
Specific Classification:
Decorative Vase
Notable Signatures,
Inscriptions, and/or Markings:
Donated by:
Provided by the Chinese Arts and Crafts Store
Accession Number
Artifact Date:
A.D. 1000 - 1499
Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
Artifact Era/Dynasty:
Provided by the Chinese Arts and Crafts Store
Creator Ancestry:

Lacquer is the sap of a tree that grows wild in all parts of China. Sap has been tapped in China since around 3000 BC. The sap resin is extracted, boiled and filteredbefore application. The red colour is achieved by using cinnabar (mercuric sulphide) as a colouring agent. The lacquer is applied in thin layers to a core, usually made out of wood, brass, silver, gold, or other materials.
Typically, each coat of lacquer was applied thoroughly died and hardened, sanded and smoothed by hand. This process is repeated, sometimes upward of two hundred times. This extremely long drying process cannot be hurried, as the lacquer coating may become fragile and flake off. The coats of lacquer seal the core and, when hardened, are extremely strong. The strength of the exterior make lacquer resistant to decay, allowing objects to exist as light-weight and durable. Generally, pieces of lacquerware can take months to finish, or years for more elaborate pieces.
For decoration, the piece may be painted with a brush and pigments, or layered with gold and silver. Pieces with very thick layers of coating may be carved or incised with intricate patterns of flowers, birds, human figures, landscapes, or symbols of good fortune.

Artifact Date:
A.D. 1000 - 1499
Artifact Era/Dynasty:
Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
Provided by the Chinese Arts and Crafts Store
Creator Ancestory:
Catalogue Entry
Online References:
The Museum Proper
On Display, In Storage, or in a Private Offsite Collection:
On Display
Replica or Original:
Not a Replica
A vase produced from carved lacquer.
Specific Classification:
Decorative Vase
Notable Signatures,
Inscriptions, and/or Markings: